Monday, February 24, 2014

60 Hikes in 60 Miles in 60 Weeks: Week Twenty-six
Phoenix Lake
Hidden Meadow Trail

What it's like:
Nearly 5 miles of pleasant strolling along lower Mount Tamalpais trails. Fantastic views to the mountain top from lovely trails through grassland and woods.

Why now:
Mount Tam soaked up loads of rain a few weeks ago, and flowers are popping up all over. This brief window between winter and spring is my favorite time to hike here -- the grass is so green and the whole mountain feels refreshed (as do I after this hike).

If you can't make it this week:
Go any time, but not nearly as fun in summer and autumn.

Insider tip:
The only downside to this hike is parking. The lot is small, and you may need to wait for a spot. I can't even advise arriving at the trailhead early, since it's simply always crowded. The alternative is to park (where it is clearly legal) in Ross and walk to the trailhead, or park close to town and bike in.

Phoenix Lake is hike number 10 in 60 Hikes in 60 Miles: San Francisco (third edition)Read about this hike on BAHiker.

Alternate choice:
Wander through an old orchard, look for wildflowers, and even sip some wine, on a 3 mile hike at Picchetti Ranch Open Space Preserve, in the outskirts of Cupertino.

Post your comments and experiences here or on the BAHiker Facebook page.


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  3. El único inconveniente de esta caminata es el aparcamiento. Maybe you have to wait for a spot because the lot is small. I can't even recommend arriving early at the trailhead because it's simply always crowded. Otra opción es aparcar en Ross (donde es claramente legal) y caminar hasta el inicio del sendero, o aparcar cerca del pueblo y montar en bicicleta. Este post es muy interesante y oportuno. I really value the time you spent writing this. Para crear tu obra, debes haber hecho mucha investigación y extracción. Los ejemplos e información instructiva son muy útiles.
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